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ZRT LCMS Saliva Steroid Profile 23

LC-MS/MS measures the levels of 23 endogenous steroid hormones including estrogens, progestogens, androgens, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. (See Description for Complete List of tests included).



Canary Club Advanced Metabolite Profile

Our broadest view of sex steroid hormone metabolite levels and cortisol metabolism with full diurnal melatonin and BPA. 44 tests


ZRT Menstrual Cycle Mapping

An assessment of sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone) and LH patterns throughout a menstrual cycle to help health care practitioners get to the root of challenging menstrual symptoms, irregular cycles, amenorrhea, hormonal mood swings, PMS/PMDD or infertility.


AdvancedPlus Hormone Profile

Comprehensive hormone panel that measures 14 hormones, secosteroids, and enzymes to assess the health of your thyroid, adrenal, and gonadal endocrine glands, along with Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3.

  • Sex steroid hormones (in saliva): Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), and Testosterone (T)
  • Adrenal Hormones (in saliva): DHEA-S (DS), Diurnal Cortisol (sampled 4x to show your full daily cortisol cycle)
  • Thyroid hormones (in blood spot): TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab
  • Vitamin D (in blood spot): 25-OH, Total (D2, D3)


ZRT HIS AdvancedPlus Hormone Profile (Canary Club formulated)

Designed especially for men, this is an overall assessment of male hormonal status, vitality and performance. Tests four glands: thyroid, adrenals, testes and prostate. 13 tests including PSA. (No Vitamin D test included.)


ZRT Female Blood Spot Profile II

Overall assessment of female health and vitality in blood spot. 12 Tests in dried blood spot only.


ZRT Male Blood Spot Profile II

Overall assessment of male health and vitality in blood spot. 12 Tests in blood spot only.


ZRT Weight Management Profile

Identifies specific hormone imbalances associated with excess weight gain and obesity, including hypothyroidism. Aids in early detection of insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and certain heart conditions. Test also incudes adrenal and sex hormones as well as vitamin D and TSH.

— E2, Pg, T, DS & Cx4 (in saliva);
— TSH, Insulin, hbA1c, Vitamin D (in blood spot);

Optional Add-ons:
— thyroid hormones: fT3, fT4, TPOab (in blood spot);
— cardiometabolic: hsCRP, TG, CH, LDL, HDL & VLDL (in blood spot);


ZRT Comprehensive Thyroid and Elements Profile

Measuring levels of toxic metals and essential elements can help determine if there are deficiencies or toxicity affecting the thyroid gland. This comprehensive test measures 14 levels of hormones, toxicity, and essential elements.

The thyroid gland can be affected by factors like nutritional deficiencies and environmental exposure to toxic elements. This profile can evaluate elemental exposure, thyroid hormone synthesis, and some causes of thyroid disorders and other health issues.


ZRT Wellness Metrics Profile

The Wellness Metrics Profile identifies specific imbalances of one or more hormones that govern key aspects of our health, contributing to immunity, mood changes, energy, libido, altered metabolism, increased body fat deposition, and food/sugar cravings, and includes tests identifying increased risks for cardiometabolic disease and diabetes.

The optional add-ons give a fuller picture when there are thyroid issues or symptoms of insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome.

—  E2, Pg, T, DS & Cx4 (in saliva);
— TSH, Insulin, hbA1c, Vitamin D (in blood spot);

thyroid hormones: fT3, fT4, TPOab (in blood spot);   
— cardiometabolic:   hsCRP, TG, CH, LDL, HDL & VLDL (in blood spot);


ZRT Combo Hormone Profile Kit

Comprehensive test for thyroid, adrenal and reproductive hormones. 12 tests - same as Advanced Plus but without the Vitamin D test.


ZRT Neurotransmitters Profile

Dried Urine:
Measures 26 neurotransmitters and the proteins and metabolites required to support neurotransmitter processes. Shows overall functional assessment of neurotransmitters and related enzymes. Numerous add-on tests are available. Review each add-on for specific details. 


ZRT Elite Thyroid Profile

For people requiring routine thyroid screening plus an thyroglobulin to assess iodine status and total thyroxine (Total T4).


ZRT Sleep Balance Profile


Reveals whether hormones are your hidden barrier to restful sleep.  Sleep Balance Profile pinpoints and measures both cortisol and melatonin at 4 times throughout a day – providing an accurate 24-hour sleep-wake pattern evaluation. 



ZRT LCMS Saliva Steroid Profile 7

LC-MS Saliva Steroid Profile 7 

This profile will test 7 hormones via LC-MS that is available for both females and malesincluding estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), estriol (E3), progesterone (Pg), testosterone (T), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and cortisol (C).

The LC-MS method shines a much brighter light on the full steroid hormone cascade and provides more insight into clinical problems that might arise with insufficient or excessive hormone therapies.



ZRT Advanced Saliva Hormone Profile

This ZRT profile contains 8 tests from saliva samples: 

  • Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), and Testosterone (T) - known as the three major sex steroid hormones,
  • Adrenal Hormones:
    • DHEA-S (DS), and, 
    • Diurnal Cortisol (sampled 4x), showing your full daily cortisol cycle.

Canary Club Advanced Saliva Hormone Profile is also known as ZRT Saliva Profile III.  


ZRT Estrogen Essential Profile

Comprehensive evaluation focusing exclusively on estrogen metabolites.

This profile consists of 12 tests that precisely measure levels of estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3), while also assessing your body's efficiency in processing and breaking down and metabolizing estrogen-related hormones.


ZRT Cortisol Awakening Response - CAR

The Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) reveals more detailed clues that help in assessing adrenal gland function and conditions related to abnormal cortisol levels.

Collect six saliva samples in one day, at home, and then mail to a CLIA lab to be analyzed for cortisol hormone levels.

The hormone test kit includes six vials for saliva.  The first three samples are captured in the first hour to determine your morning response, and the remaining three samples are to be collected through to the end of your day. 


ZRT Comprehensive Toxic & Essential Elements Profile

Heavy Metals and Essential Elements Test Kit

ZRT Comprehensive Toxic & Essential Elements Profile measures 14 of the most common toxic heavy metals: and essential elements.



ZRT CardioMetabolic Profile

ZRT CardioMetabolic Profile measures (in blood spot):

Insulin, High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP), Glycated Hemoglobin (hbA1C), Triglyceride (TG), Total Cholesterol (CH), High-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), Very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)

Allows early detection of major indicators associated with metabolic/insulin resistance syndrome. Used as a screening profile to reduce the overall risk of type 2 diabetes and Cardiovascular disease (CVD). 


ZRT Adrenal Stress Profile

Same as the Diurnal Cortisol 4x Stress test, which measures a complete daily cortisol cycle, plus DHEA-S which is also an indicator of adrenal health. Low DHEA-S can lead to chronic fatigue and weight gain. High DHEA-S levels can promote androgen (male) features in women, and is an indicator of adrenal tumors and PCOS.



ZRT Basic Saliva Hormone Profile

Tests the 3 major sex hormones estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, plus the adrenal hormones DHEA-S and cortisol (1x). 



ZRT Diurnal Cortisol 4x Stress

A saliva test designed to measure the levels of the hormone cortisol, taken four times in a 24-hour period (morning, noon, evening, and nighttime). The adrenal gland produces the hormone cortisol in response to stress. Prolonged high cortisol production can lead to chronic fatigue, "adrenal burnout" and other health problems. 



ZRT Toxic & Essential Elements - Blood Spot

Measures the toxic and essential elements: Cadmium, Mercury, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, and Magnesium. This test does NOT include iodine, bromine, arsenic, or creatinine. Blood spot only.



Basic Thyroid Profile

The best overall assessment for your thyroid. Combines the four most clinically useful thyroid function tests, giving a more thorough assessment compared with monitoring TSH alone. Measures fT4, fT3, TSH, TPO.



ZRT Toxic & Essential Elements - Dried Urine

The test measures both essential and toxic elements, so it could be considered for evaluating the body's elemental status. It can help identify potential heavy metal toxicity or deficiencies in essential minerals.

Measures the essential nutrients iodine, selenium, lithium, and bromine, plus the toxic heavy metals arsenic, cadmium, mercury and the waste by-product creatinine. Dried urine only (no blood spot).



ZRT Hormone Trio (Saliva)

Tests only Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), and Testosterone (T). Good for a simple low-cost re-test of these hormones. In saliva.



ZRT Hormone Trio (Blood Spot)

Tests only Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), and Testosterone (T). Good for a simple low-cost re-test of these hormones In Blood Spot



ZRT Iodine Test (urine)

Up to 10% of the population in the U.S. has iodine deficiency. Iodine is essential in healthy thyroid hormone production, brain function, breast tissue, fetal development and more.




ZRT Sex Hormone Binding-Globulin (SHBG)

Used to evaluate the status of androgen (male) hormones. With men, the issue of concern is testosterone deficiency. In women the concern is excess testosterone production.



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