Unable to Wake-Up Can Be a Lack of Cortisol
Unable to Wake-Up Can Be a Lack of Cortisol

Wake Up with a Morning Boost of Cortisol Hormone

Many of us know those individuals who can effortlessly wake up without the need for an alarm clock. The moment their eyes open, they're up and about, ready to take on the day with enthusiasm and energy.

We often find ourselves envious of these early risers who appear to achieve what we struggle with. The secret to their wakefulness lies in a well-balanced endocrine system. For approximately 75% of the population, cortisol levels increase by about 50% at the right moment, effectively rousing them from slumber and motivating them to start their day.

However, not all of us are fortunate enough to experience such seamless awakenings. Despite going to bed at the same time every night, some individuals continue to face the daily struggle of getting out of bed in the morning.

Cortisol is often referred to as the "stress hormone," but it plays a vital role in our daily circadian rhythm, which includes waking up in the morning.

Don't Snooze through Mornings—Embrace Your Day!

Some of us struggle to wake up in the morning. Our unreliable early rising habits may have caused us to miss work, or other important appointments. The constant struggle to get out of bed can make us feeling disconnected from our lives. Determined to turn things around, we can put ourselves on a mission to solve our morning wake-up problem, regain control over our lives, and find a way to greet the day with renewed enthusiasm.  

Our Body's Natural Daily Sleep-Wake Cycle

Your sleep-wake cycle is referred to as your circadian rhythm. It is like your body's daily schedule or internal clock that tells you when to be awake and when to go to sleep. It's what makes you feel energetic during the day and tired at night, like your body's way of following a routine. 

Our circadian rhythm, our body's natural sleep-wake cycle, keeps us energized during the day and ready for rest at night. Cortisol, rising in the early morning, synchronizes our body clock, boosts morning alertness, and aids immune response, reducing inflammation. Waking up achy may signal a lack of this crucial morning cortisol spike."

  • Circadian Rhythm Regulation: Cortisol follows a diurnal (daily) pattern, with its levels naturally rising in the early morning to help wake us up. This is part of our body's internal clock, which regulates sleep and wake cycles. Cortisol helps synchronize our physiological processes, making us alert and ready to start the day.
  • Clarity and Alertness:  In the morning, cortisol provides a surge of energy by increasing blood sugar levels, which is crucial for physical and mental alterness upon waking.  Clear thinking in the morning is a healthy indicator.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Function: Cortisol has anti-inflammatory properties. Its elevation in the morning may help reduce inflammation and enhance immune responses, preparing the body to face daily challenges.  The more frequently we find ourselves waknig up with morning muscle pain or waking up achy may signal a lack of this crucial morning cortisol spike. 

Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR)

The Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) is a way to test how your daily Sleep-Wake Cycle works, and it can help your doctors figure out if there are problems with your adrenal glands. To do this, it measures the levels of a hormone called cortisol in your saliva at different times in the morning.

Sleeping Woman Passed 07:00am alarm - Needs "Awakening Response" Cortisol


Normally, when you wake up, your cortisol levels should go up by about 50% in the first 30 minutes, and then they should start to go down throughout the day. To get an accurate picture of this, you need to take three saliva samples in the morning: one right when you wake up, another 30 minutes later, and a third one an hour after waking up.

What are the Symptoms of Cortisol Imbalance? 

If you look at a graph of cortisol levels during the day, you should see a peak in the morning and then a gradual decrease as the day goes on. If there are big spikes or drops at the wrong times, it might mean there's something wrong with your stress system. Doctors use this information to help decide on the best way to treat you.

The CAR is a special rise in cortisol levels that happens only in the first hour or so after you wake up. It's like a burst of energy that your body gets ready for the day. The size of this burst can tell doctors how well your stress system is working and how it responds to different kinds of stress.

The CAR can give doctors more clues about what might be wrong with your stress system, whether it's too active or not active enough. It can also help track the progress of treatments for certain conditions like depression. But it's important to remember that different types of stress and even everyday things like not eating or not sleeping well can affect the CAR.

When you need to measure the CAR, you collect saliva samples when you wake up (within the first 5 minutes), 30 minutes later, and 60 minutes later. These three morning samples are essential to see the CAR properly. You also collect samples later in the day to complete the picture of your cortisol levels. So, in total, you'll need to collect six samples.

To sum it up, the CAR is a helpful tool to understand how your body deals with stress. It can reveal potential problems with your stress system and help guide your treatment. Keep in mind that it's important to follow the right sampling schedule and work with a healthcare professional to interpret the results correctly.

ZRT Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Profile

Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) - Test your cortisol at-homeSee our ZRT Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Profile to check your daily cortisol levels. Samples are taken from saliva. 

Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) Profile Kit includes 6 collections throughout the day. To capture this response, three – rather than one – morning saliva collections are needed to properly chart the diurnal cortisol curve within 60 minutes of awakening.

The Cortisol Awakening Response – also called CAR – reveals more detailed clues that help in assessing adrenal hormone function. This testing is often useful for cases of PTSD, major depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other severe stress conditions.  

Cortisol Awakening Response Sample Collection

6-Tube Collection: Six cortisol collections in 24 hours is the most common method for assessing CAR. Start saliva collection within five minutes of waking for the day, followed by a second sample at 30 minutes, and a third sample at 60 minutes. The rest of the diurnal rhythm can be assessed at the normal time intervals – noon, evening, and night. Click here for more collection instructions.

Additional Resources

Looking for a Health Coach?

Have questions on interpreting the results of this test?  If you aren’t already working with a practitioner, have a look at our Health Care Coaches page for additional information and resources.


Your Hormone Management Testing Plan

  • Step 1:  Start by selecting and ordering your desired test(s). You will receive an at-home testing kit that fits your unique concerns and needs. No prescription or visit to the doctor’s office is required. Your test kit is delivered directly to your front door.

  • Step 2:  Take the test to establish the starting hormone baseline at the beginning of your plan.  Consider developing your plan alongside:
    • a licensed health care provider for medical conditions, especially for severe "out of normal range" results
    • or a Health Care Coach for nutrition and supplements that will support your desired results

  • Step 3:  Develop a plan based on your hormone test results, establishing a one-year or more outlook.
    • Keep logs of your intakes, and daily routines related to your hormone test results.

  • Step 4:  After 6-12 months of actively working on your plan, take the same test again to determine your progress.

From all of us at the Canary Club,
Here’s to knowing ourselves and taking positive action!

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